
Monday 9 March 2020

10 years, 90 published stories

Last week I celebrated the 10 year anniversary of leaving my full-time job and career in the pharmaceutical industry. (As you can see, LitPig knows exactly how to celebrate!) From that point onwards my life changed, and for the better as I reinvented myself along with beginning a new career as a writer.

I could rattle on for pages detailing my writing path in the last 10 years but I'm simply going to state for the record that I've never been happier or healthier in the previous decade. I've also met a whole new bunch of friends in the writing world, who I never would have met if I'd continued in my original career. Friends such as Wendy Clarke, Richard Buxton, Sarah Hegarty and Ingrid Persaud, along with many others I now know from Twitter and literary festivals/events and of course the MA in Creative Writing at Chichester University. I share work and projects with many of these new friends and their advice is invaluable, but mostly I value the wonderful support and nurturing that other writers freely give. I feel blessed to have found my tribe.

In February I also hit a milestone of 90 published stories. You can read my 90th story here on the brilliant Fictive Dream @FictiveDream (editor Laura Black): BUZZ WORD.
The piece is accompanied by original artwork by Claudia McGill. Here you can read her thoughts on the illustration and also why she completed two paintings. I love these illustrations and am proud that Claudia "got" the story.

I now own both of the original paintings and hope to soon have these framed and displayed on the walls of my writing cave. Aren't they beautiful?

Finally, LitPig and I would like to thank all loyal followers for sticking with us. Here's to the next decade of writing. I'm looking forward to new projects, goals and to continue learning all that I can about the craft.