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the unbearable urge to write.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Invitation to the launch of The Siren Journal's debut anthology FUGUE

The Indoor Writer is pretty excited to have a short story in The Siren's debut anthology FUGUE. If you live in or near London then why not come along to the launch party at the London Review Bookshop, 24 October, starting 7pm (details below). There will be wine, nibbles and author readings. If you can make it then please RSVP to contact@thesiren.co.uk and let them have your name ... and don't forget to come and say hello!

You can buy the Fugue anthology from the following:
The Siren

Venue location: 14 Bury Place, 
London, WC1A 2JL 
London, WC1A 2JL 
(near Holborn London Underground Station)

The Fuguists are: 
Adrian Slatcher, Adam Steiner, Stephen 
Totterdell, Brandon Robshaw, Avgi meleti, 
Stuart Snelson, Gary Budgen, Neill Ran- 
dall, Gary Budden, Tracy Fells, Stephen 
Scott, Róisín O’Donnell, Darren Lee and 
Charles Yu 
Edited by: Lucy Carroll 


  1. Too far for me to come, Tracy but I hope you have a good time!

    1. Thanks, Sally. You hear more on this next week ...

  2. How exciting. Hope it goes really well.

  3. Have a splendid time. Who doesn't love a book launch.

    1. Have to agree, Julia. Books, wine & nibbles ... what a great way to spend an evening!

  4. Hope you have a good time, Tracy - and hope you get to read your story.

    1. I didn't read in the end, Wendy. This meant I could actually relax and enjoy it. Can't describe how wonderful it feels to have people coming up and asking you to sign their copy!!

  5. What a wonderful-looking book, Tracy. Congratulations on the publication of your story and I wish I could be there for the launch. Have a fantastic evening. xxx

    1. Thank you, Joanna, for your good wishes. Sorry you can't make it.
