
Monday 6 February 2012

It all helps

There is no such thing as bad publicity or as Oscar Wilde declared: "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about".  Most writers crave to see their work in print and will even settle for seeing their NAME in print... being such vain creatures.  So last week the indoor writer was as happy as the LitPig in a library because Writing Magazine (March issue) printed her letter and she was mentioned in Writers' Forum (March issue).  In Louise Jordan's feature 'Writing the perfect synopsis' (page 50, Writers' Forum) Tracy is praised for her pitch letter in the Writers' Advice Centre competition, which secured her the runner-up prize.

Letters are a good opportunity to get a piece of work published and many magazines offer payment or prizes for printed letters.  So whatever magazine/newspaper you regularly read or subscribe to always check out the letter pages and what they offer.  Remember ALL and ANY published pieces build your portfolio - it all helps!

Keep on writing...


  1. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award because I love reading your blog
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you! How lovely of you to nominate this blog & the LitPig. So glad to hear you enjoy reading our musings. :)
