
Tuesday 24 April 2012

A whole day of Flash Fiction - May 16th is National Flash Fiction Day

If you love Flash Fiction then mark your diary for Wednesday 16th May, the first ever National Flash-Fiction Day (NFFD).  You can read all about the event on the official website here.  More news is also posted regularly on the blog here.

There are many Flash competitions running up until 16 May, several are still open and you can find these listed here.  I'm tempted by the Unexpected Fairy Tale competition - if you follow the link to the competition you can read the entries to date, which are all great fun.

An anthology of Flash stories, called Jawbreakers (named from one of the included stories) will be published in May to celebrate National Flash-Fiction Day.  This will contain commissioned stories from established writers such as: Ali Smith, Ian Rankin, Tania Hershman, David Gaffney and Vanessa Gebbie. Along with flash fiction from writers who entered the anthology competition.  The indoor writer had a story in the longlist, but sadly it didn't make the final selection for the anthology.  It does look an excellent collection and it's great to see Flash Fiction being seriously promoted.

If you use Twitter then for more news about NFFD follow @nationalflashfd

Keep writing and get flashing!


  1. I like flash fiction - somehow it feels more like playing than proper writing and I can fiddle around with a couple of hundred words in front of the TV - which I can't do with 'proper' writing. Was pleased to find out at the weekend that I've made the long list for the Flashbang Crime Flash fiction comp. - fingers crossed!

  2. Congrats on the long list for Flashbang - hope you do well! Wasn't the prize free entry to Crime Fest? I love writing flash fiction as it seems more acceptable to experiment - you can really push the boundaries and try out ideas which wouldn't always work for longer pieces.
