
Monday 2 July 2012

A taste of Sussex

If you're a fan of Futurama then you'll know all about Hypno Toad and his glowing eyes. Well he seems to be living contentedly beside  our garage. And was quite happy to pose in the sun for Handsome Hubby. We rushed off to identify our ruby-eyed beauty, only to find he was a Common Toad. Rather misnamed we thought for such a gorgeous creature.

The indoor writer celebrated her birthday (last Thursday) with a long walk on the South Downs. The photo (above right) is looking south to Cissbury Ring and shows just why West Sussex is a terrific county to live. The final descent into Steyning passed between hedgerows and at one point the path and bushes were festooned with little white hearts: wild rose petals (above left). Nature's confetti.

And finally Worthing prom is a great place to run. You have the sea, the sun (occasionally) and it's very, very flat! The indoor writer runs about 5km once a week and has made Runner's World August issue - see page 30 and a feature on why some runners don't worry about coming last. Hmm, not sure she should be boasting about this. Even hubby gets a credit as official photographer. Fame at last...


  1. Your picture of the South Downs reminds me of one reason why I miss Sussex. What is the white flower which covers the ground?

  2. Thanks Penelope. Try and get back for a visit, if you can! I'm no botanist but I think the petals all came from wild dog roses.

  3. Hi Tracy - Sorry I meant the whiteness on the downs, I think in your rose petal pic it might be what we used to call cleavers - those tiny green blobs look like the seeds - I've nominated you for a 'Sunshine Award'. Visit my blog to see the reason and join in if you like.

  4. Hi Penelope - sorry I misunderstood! Unfortunately I know zilch about plants and have no idea about the white flowers on the downs. Very pretty though and made an excellent contrast for the green and yellow fields.Thank you ever so much for the award. I will think on this and post my five things shortly!
