
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Escape to the Country by Patsy Collins

You can read all about how Patsy Collins' debut novel came to be published on her writing blog and here (when LitPig met Patsy). It's an inspiring story for all writers in 'having a go' and submitting your work to competitions.

This is a lovely, light and frothy read. An ideal book to pack for the holidays, but also great to curl up with by the fire (with tea and crumpets) during our cooler seasons. Leah 'Escapes to the country' when she's been accused of serious misconduct in her financial job. Her live-in boyfriend, Adam, fails to stand by her and she flees from London to Aunt Jayne's farm in Kent.

Aunt Jayne comforts Leah with herbal teas and homemade cooking and helps her to de-stress with solid hard work on the farm. As Leah learns about aching muscles and early mornings she's thrown into a dilemma when meeting the handsome and charming tractor driving Duncan. Her feelings about Adam are questioned as she starts to fall for life in the country and, of course, for Duncan.

Patsy grew up on a farm and her knowledge is slipped nicely into the book without any lecturing tone. There is plenty of Patsy's humour in this book making it nicely upbeat, with the occasional giggle too. I ripped through it on a city break to Berlin. It was a perfect tonic to take away the fears of take-off and landing, and allowed me to sneak back to the rolling English countryside whenever I tired off museums and Bavarian beer.

Escape to the Country is available on Amazon (and kindle version here), and you can get a signed copy here.

I'd love to have the recipe for Aunt Jayne's love potion herbal tea. Patsy - if you read this, how about a follow-up with Aunt Jayne's country recipes...

Oh and if you're worried Patsy reassured me that "no real pigs were harmed in the writing of this book", always good to know.

Keep reading...

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