
Friday 31 August 2012

Random words Flash Fiction competition

Here is an excellent challenge if you like writing Flash Fiction, or an opportunity to experiment if the genre is new to you. Helen Yendall is running a Random Words competition here and offering two sets of prizes. I really like it that she's running a New Writer category for writers who haven't yet been published (full terms on her Blog), which is good to see as it's tough to get placed when you're starting out when so many more experienced (and professional) writers are regularly entering competitions.

All you have to do is pen a 250 word story, which must contain these 4 words (chosen at random by Helen):
reluctant, plague, magazine, sleep

So take a look at the prize on offer and the terms of the competition over at Helen's Blog about writing.

Good luck,,,


  1. Thanks, Tracy - will check it out! :-)

  2. I'm intending to have a go at this - 250 words and 4 already done - ought to be able to come up with something!

  3. Good luck to both of you - check out the previous winners of Helen's last competition too. The winning story really made me chuckle and gives an idea of her tastes. I'm waiting for inspiration to strike, but as Patsy says 4 words already done so only 246 to pen :)
