
Monday 10 September 2012

Once upon a time...

I believe all stories should start with 'Once upon a time...' but then I'm an old fashioned pig. Why not check out this new anthology of tiny tales 'Once upon a time: A Collection of Unexpected Fairytales': A collection of 89 modern and adapted fairytales (each is only 1-page long) from the Once Upon A Time Flash Fiction Competition, run in conjunction with UK National Flash Fiction Day, 16th May 2012. All proceeds go to the National Literary Trust (

The Indoor Writer's fairytale 'Just Add' is part of the anthology. It does have a cheery ending, but be warned many of the tales do not end happily.

Here is link to the paperbook version on Amazon and click here for the Kindle version.


  1. Congrats to the Indoor Writer on being in the anthology. The October issue of Writing magazine has a short story competition to write an adult fairy story. Perhaps fairies are set to take over from vampires as the fantasty creature of choice!

  2. Thanks Julia. Never been into vampires - fairies are much more fun. I had success with the Writing Mag comp on this theme a year ago - it's a theme you can really take in any direction and play around with. Have fun if you enter a story :)
