
Friday 9 November 2012

National Short Story Week: 12 - 18 November

Are you doing anything for National Short Story Week or attending any events? This year it runs from Monday 12th November to Sunday 18th. You can read all about the week and planned events here .

I'm really pleased to see the focus on listening to short stories, more details here, as this can be an excellent medium to enjoy this genre. My Grandad lost his sight late in life audio books and books for the blind became very important to him. So I was really excited to have recorded one of my short stories especially for The Voice of Progress, a locally produced talking newspaper. 'A Waste of Time' will also be available to listen online next week through the charity's website. Warning: you do have to listen my voice and not that of an actor - it was fun to record though. Top tips for reading aloud and recording short stories: read off a screen, or put your pages in slippery fish to avoid extreme paper noises! I had to read through the story several times, because my paper rustling was too loud.

Let me know if you have any plans for the week. The interest in short stories is growing and it's good to see an emphasis on this genre of writing.


  1. I record something for a Sunday-evening internet radio show and have found the best thing is to put both elbows on my desk and put my fingers in my ears as I read from the screen in front of me. Looks odd, but it works for me!

    1. Thanks for the tip Julia - wish I'd thought of this when I recorded my story. Did feel really self-conscious and aware of my own voice!

  2. Haven't planned anything apart from reading them whever possible. That's interesting about audio stories, Tracy, as it's something I haven't yet explored.

  3. Worth exploring Rosemary. I believe R4 has a competition coming up for new writers too, so that one is worth checking out.

  4. Slippery Fish? What are they?!
    Is that the same as plastic wallets?

    1. Er yes Sally, the see-through plastic wallets with holes down the side for filing. Sorry that's what we call them at Fells Towers - don't know the posh technical name!
