
Monday 21 January 2013

Take advantage of the weather

A writer needs to grasp any opportunity and the weather often presents many. We're still ankle deep in snow in West Sussex and the Indoor Writer braved the icy pavements yesterday to take some photos of the white clad village (these are dotted about this post). Women's magazines like to print seasonal stories, but these have to be submitted many months in advance. Trying to write a wintery tale at the beginning of summer can be challenging, when all memory of snow, ice and freezing digits are (hopefully) long forgotten. Having a bundle of wintery photos can help conjure up the mood - so make the most of our current freeze and take some local photographs. You don't have to go far, snowy gardens can be wonderful, but if you can get out safely for a walk then listen for the sounds around you, the crunch of snow, how hushed the world becomes in heavy snow, mentally recall as much as detail as possible and make notes when you get home again.

If you are stuck inside then take advantage and catch up on your writing. And it's a brilliant excuse to curl up with coffee and a pile of books or magazines. Writers need to be readers to stay in touch with what other writers are doing. If you need any ideas on what to read then how about last week's issue of The People's Friend (19 Jan issue). It has a lovely story called 'The Best-Laid Plans' - OK this is the Indoor Writer's first story sold to PF and she has to keep plugging it!

Apologies that the pictures are not up to the quality of Patsy Collins, who demonstrates her photographic skills here.


  1. Where's the church, Tracy? I'm really sorry I missed your PF story - can I still get it this week? Don't you think that the best thing about being published in this mag is seeing your story beautifully illustrated. Did you get my email address (under your comment on my blog)?

    1. All photos around Ashington Wendy. You may still find a copy of PF in the shops, our local Co-op doesn't get new copies until Wed. Agree about the illustration, though was hoping for a more exciting picture of my character on a zip wire (you have to read the story). Sorry will go back and check for email!

  2. Aaaw, thanks for the mention!

    Your pictures do a good job of capturing that cold, quiet feeling.

  3. Tracy, I've read (and enjoyed!) your PF story - it seemed a bit more action packed and modern than many of them. Did much get changed by PF? I had a story in the previous issue and as well as changing the title (to a better one) there were alterations to the text.

  4. Thanks Sally, glad you liked it. Actually I was pretty surprised they took it for the reasons you mention, but I believe SB is looking for more contemporary light-hearted stories at the moment. Yes they also changed the title - I had 'Keep calm and carry on', which I thought fitted the theme. And also made some tweaks to the last paragraph, didn't change outcome but added some new bits, which did improve it. Re-reading the original I realise they took out some of my references 'Call of duty' video game/ Bear Gryhlls and several jokes. Possibly for space. Odd that they didn't ask me to make changes. Apparently most editors change titles or so I've been told.

  5. The weather is certainly making for some great photos! Sorry I missed your story - will see if I can still get a copy today. PF often change titles!

    1. Just to plug again - I saw last week's copy of PF still in local newsagent and the co-op this morning if you want to read my story Rosemary.

  6. Congratulations Tracy :)

    Look forward to reading it!

