
Monday 29 April 2013

South Downs interlude

LitPig is working on a post about Japenese poetry (well he is a literary pig) and so I've taken over for today. Saturday started with sunshine and the promise of a glorious day so Handsome Hubby and I set off for a short walk on the Downs. We found ourselves at this bench (below) before 8am and looking across
to this wonderfully hazy view of Steyning (Wendy - we did give you a wave!). On the walk up we were serenaded by this Yellow Hammer (bottom right) - it's the small yellow splodge in the centre. Even at this early hour we still met some dog walkers and cyclists, ending up at local tearooms in time for opening and a full veggie breakfast. Sometimes we take our local countryside for
granted and it was humbling for us to get up and out on the Downs so early in the day - we are truly blessed to live close to the new National Park. The whole adventure set us up for a terrific weekend.


  1. Oh I missed your wave - I must have been still in bed! Yes, the countryside around our area is beautiful and I never tire of it. We are so lucky aren't we.

    1. I bet you had already been up and walked Bonnie long before we hit the Downs!

  2. It's good to be out and about before there are too many other people around.

    1. Not that we don't mind other people, but yes it was rather nice!

  3. What a lovely day - I love when it's quiet and being surrounded by nature and beautiful surroundings.

    1. Getting up and out early really does set you up for the day. Put me in such a good mood for whole w/e :)

  4. Lovely photos Tracy. Looks peaceful.

    1. It was a morning to make your heart sing Susan :)
