
Monday 1 July 2013

June round-up

OK, it's that time of the month to hand over to The Indoor Writer and her summary of June subs:
June whirled past and I hardly seemed to be writing anything, then checking over my submissions I found I'd actually written 3 new stories. The only one I distinctly remember is a flash story, which I penned in Sheffield Library whilst Handsome Hubby and the Tame Teenager were off exploring the University (Open Day for prospective students). It was a lovely old building and wonderfully peaceful place to set up with a laptop and write.

Write 1 Sub:  2 new short stories written, 1 new flash piece, 20 submissions (a record!)
Re-start the novel: My plan of drafting a synopsis and start first chapter by end of June failed dismally. Must do better...
Crack Woman's Weekly: You can read about my adventures with Wendy at the Woman's Weekly Workshop here. Have sent off two stories post the workshop, watch this space...
Write and sell a serial: Am waiting on success of WW stories (keeping optimistic) before attempting to pitch the mag a serial. 

Still pondering goals for second half of 2013 and will share these later in July.

The Good: 
Short story Highly Commended in Writers' Forum
Flash story published on National Flash Fiction Day's Flash Flood Journal (140 stories published over 24hrs).

The Bad:
Income: ZILCH
Rejection from People's Friend, Stinging Fly, 2 x TAB Fiction Feast (one came on my birthday, cruel).
Didn't make the shortlist/longlist etc for several competitions: Swanwick, Curry Mallet, Exeter Writers.

Hoping all the subs in June will pay dividends later. The actual month was fairly depressing with several rejections - they all come at once, don't they? May check out the Insecure Writers group, as I'm feeling pretty mixed up about this writing lark right now.

Keep writing and submitting...


  1. Well if it makes you feel better, I came back from holiday to two rejections from FF - it's another t-shirt time for us! Remember, the rejections are usually followed by an acceptance (or that's what I tell myself!)

    1. Sorry to hear that Wendy - it sounds like FF have been clearing their desks! I'll give the t-shirt a wash and send it over...

  2. Take heart with the fact that there's been some 'good.' And at least you have been productive, which is more than I have. I note 'all the subs in June' My subs in June = 0.

    1. You're absolutely right Lindsay - better to focus on the good news and encourage more!

  3. Tracy
    I think you are very brave to post your 'results' - warts and all, as it were. Most of us are in the same boat. I didn't come anywhere in the Exeter comp either, I've had rejections recently from WW (two in one email, nice!) and although I was in the shortlist of 3 in last week's Write Invite, I didn't win.. :( so don't worry - you are not alone! It's a tough old world out there - that's why it's so important to celebrate the successes and shout them from the rooftops!

    1. Thanks Helen for sharing your news too. Wise words about celebrating the successes - no wonder writers love cake and chocolate (and wine and ...).

  4. I reckon June was actually shorter than usual as it seems to have been a bit of a blur for everyone.

    1. Now why didn't I think of that Patsy? In early June I did have a nasty summer cold, and then hubby got the male version (he got a lot more sympathy than I did!) so yes it did disappear quickly.

  5. We all have good, bad and mediocre months, Tracy - at least you're still submitting and being recognised!

    1. Too true Rosemary. As you say the trick is to just keep going!

  6. June seems to have been an odd month for everyone and it certainly flew by. Some have had an odd success but it appears to have left most of us bewildered! I had a productive month but it was balanced out by lots of rejections some that I even felt very positive about.
    Hey-ho, perhaps July will be more positive, not only in the writing dept but also in the weather dept.
    That would help us all. :) Carol

    1. June is usually a favourite month for me, but I agree Carol it has been bewildering. And the weather is definitely not helping. I'm thinking hot, sunny and POSITIVE thoughts for July :)
