
Thursday 31 July 2014

One month to go

Hysteria Writing Competition 2014 closes in one month on 31st August, so you still have to time to enter. This year there are 3 categories:
Short Story - can be up to 2,000 words in length on any subject relevant to women except erotica and horror.
Flash Fiction -  can be up to 250 words in length on any subject relevant to women except erotica and horror.
Poetry -  up to 20 lines in length on any subject relevant to women except erotica and horror.

Also note: The competition is open to female writers of any nationality writing in English.

And importantly you can now enter and pay online.

Full details of entry fees, competition rules and prizes (very important!) here.

The Indoor Writer was the winner for the 2013 competition with 'Fibonacci's Tree'. 
She's hung up her laptop for this one and has jumped the fence to join the judging panel, along with some great writing names.

The winning and shortlisted stories from 2013 are published in the Hysteria2 anthology, available here and on Kindle.


  1. Thanks for the reminder, Tracy. I am intending to enter this one but I will probably do my usual last minute thing. Aaagh!

    1. Don't worry I'm exactly the same when entering competitions. And good luck if you enter, Helen.

  2. To be a winner and a judge is very exciting.

    1. It's a great competition, Wendy. I'm pretty chuffed to be on the judging panel but nervous too. Will you have a go?

  3. This is by far the best one of your stories I've read, Tracy - I love it - no wonder you won!

    1. Aww thanks, Wendy, that is lovely of you to say. It's one of my favourites too. I've also converted this to a film script, which a local short film group want to produce.

  4. Tracy, you know you're a success when you move from entering to judging competitions - very well done!
    And I see that the Hysteria 2 anthology has the same front cover photo (the 'splashing' apple) as my first short story e-collection. Is this a case of great minds think alike?!

    1. Thank you, Sally. Funny, but I thought the same thing about the cover. I have your collection and recognised the 'apple'!
