
Monday 26 October 2015

Let's hear it for Wendy Clarke: 100 Sales!

LitPig has raided the chocolate tin to help someone celebrate a writing milestone. Okay, I confess it's not me. I've recently written short story number 118 and hit 47 stories published, but that's nothing compared to what my writing chum, Wendy Clarke has achieved. She hit 100 stories sold some time ago, that's old news, but last week she achieved a new milestone: 100 sales to The People's Friend. 100 sales to one magazine! That's pretty amazing we think. Pop over to Wendy's blog and read about her journey to this magic target.

I'll share a little secret with you. LitPig has a bit of a crush on our Wendy (see photo right) and fondly remembers when he interviewed her about launching her debut collection Room in Your Heart (read the interview post here).
Shyly, he plucked up the courage today to ask how she was planning to celebrate 100 sales. This is what she told him:
I've been asked a lot about how I've celebrated this milestone and my answer has got to be "I haven't". There have been many lovely milestones along my People's Friend journey - first sale, first article, first serial and of course the publication of Room in Your Heart that I couldn't celebrate them all. What I actually did after that 100th sale was walk the dog... then write another story!

There's a lesson for all wannabe writers. Celebrate by writing something new.

(I don't believe a word of it. I've seen her polish off giant slabs of cake without any excuse for a celebration!)

Check out Wendy's two collections of short stories:
They can be bought from Amazon as ebooks or paperbacks. Both are cracking good reads.


  1. Fantastic achievement, Wendy, and lovely blog post, Tracy.

  2. I'm rather fond of LitPig too... even though he got drunk at my launch party!

    1. He did disgrace himself with Alan's bobble hat. Thanks, Wendy, for reminding me. And what's your favourite choccie?

  3. I think LitPig was hoping for another alcohol fuelled celebration, Wendy.

    1. Don't encourage him, Lindsay! And please choose a chocolate before you go :)

    2. He'll be disappointed, Lindsay!

  4. It's an incredible milestone.

    1. I agree, Patsy. 100 sales is pretty good but 100 sales to one specific magazine is incredible.

  5. I hope the lack of alcohol doesn't make LitPig too dis-grunt-led. Perhaps he should have a cheese and swine party to celebrate Wendy's brilliant milestone. Congratulations! xxx

    1. LitPig loves your terrible puns, Joanna. Only you could get away with them :)

    2. That is a terrible pun, Joanna!

  6. It's a great achievement and I must say LitPig looks very comfortable on Wendy's knee in that photo!
