
Monday 1 February 2016

Celebrate the small stuff

2016 has started quietly for me with little news on submissions. Sometimes this is the hardest part of writing, the long periods of radio silence without any feedback. Rejections are tough, but at least they're a sign that someone out there read your work - they sort of validate your existence as a writer. I'm trying to ignore the booming silence and immerse myself in a new project, writing my next novel - the first is out there in submission land with literary agents. Like my writing buddy Wendy I've realised I can't just sit back and wait on feedback, I had to start writing the next one.

During these quiet times I sometimes have a quick flick through my clippings folder. This is where I stuff all acceptance emails, printouts from shortlists and any other successes. As you can see after almost 6 years of writing it's pretty full - time to start a new folder. That has to be something to celebrate!

And now I have something to add to the new folder ... after recently hearing that my short story Ancient Wing has been selected for the next RATTLE TALES event on 11 February (Live short stories and flash fiction at The Brunswick pub, Hove, full details here). I will be reading the story so I'd better get practising.


  1. It's a good idea to keep a record of all your successes in one place as a kind of portable pick-me-up kit. I'm sure it won't be long before those acceptances start dropping through the electronic letterbox.

    1. Thanks, Julia. I like the idea of a portable pick-me-up-kit for writers, mine might include chocolate and wine as well as clippings.

    2. Ooh, I smell a marketing opportunity!

  2. Congratulations for the success of Ancient Wing, Tracy! I have the same folder as you and also keep details in there of all the good things that have gone before. You will need lots more folders for all the good things still to come. xxx

  3. Congratulations for the success of Ancient Wing, Tracy! I have the same folder as you and also keep details in there of all the good things that have gone before. You will need lots more folders for all the good things still to come. xxx

    1. Thanks, Joanna. And BIG Congratulations to you on launch of your collection - it looks terrific :)

  4. Yeah, I think the waiting and not hearing is, slightly, worse than getting a rejection. At least once we've had the no, we can move on - try elsewhere ... and then start waiting again.

    1. And congrats on having your story accepted. Hope the reading goes well.

    2. Thanks, Patsy. You've hit the nail so to speak. Rejections are not pleasant but at least you know the piece can then be submitted elsewhere.

  5. I shall have to forbid use of the 'r' word - wonder where I put that T- shirt?

    1. Ah yes, after bemoaning lack of news now I need that T-shirt. Next time I'll keep my mouth (and LitPig's snout) shut!

  6. Now that didn't take long to turn around your lack of success! It's good to remind yourself how well you've done though while you wait.

    1. Thanks, Rosemary. Sometimes think my expectations way too high and in the quiet patches those doubting demons begin to whisper.

  7. I'm sure there'll be lots of good news soon.
