
Monday 28 May 2012

The first sale!

The indoor writer and handsome hubby celebrated in style over the weekend. The pictures give you a little clue as to what celebratory goodies were imbibed. I'm also partial to PINK bubbly and I do love those chocolatey seashells...hmmm. Oh, so what were they celebrating I hear you squeal? Last week she sold her first story to Take-a-break Fiction Feast. Yes, the indoor writer got a call from the lovely Nora McGrath at TAB magazine wanting to buy a story. No idea when the story will come out, but it's the selling that's important and besides we can celebrate all over again when the story is printed!

Now what should the indoor writer spend her first story income on? I read somewhere that with that first precious cheque you shouldn't put it towards mundane supplies, but instead splash out and buy something really memorable, like jewellery or a decorative object. Buy something that you can look at and remember the satisfaction and joy of that first sale. Any suggestions?


  1. Very well done, Tracy! It's not easy getting in there. I love pretty staitonery and notebooks - and chocolate.

  2. Thanks Rosemary! Hmm I love notebooks too and pretty files too - you can never have too many notebooks :) or chocolate...

  3. Congratulations! Take a pic of the cheque to look at when your confidence is low to remind you you're a successful writer. And spend the money unwisely!

  4. Thanks Julia :) I like the idea of copying the cheque - sometimes it's good to have reminders of success to boost you through the equal (or less equal sadly) no. of rejections. And I shall be spending it very unwisely I think.

  5. Congratulations! A nice pen would be an appropriate purchase, I think.

  6. Thanks Patsy! And I love this suggestion. Though I have a tendency to leave my pens all over the place, so any really decent one will need to be chained to my desk!

  7. Oooh congratulations - I's say get some jewelery - then every time you wear it it'll remind you of this moment.

  8. This is one of my favourite ideas Kate - thanks! Think the money won't last long buying notebooks, pens, jewelery and of course chocolate :)

  9. Brilliant news, Tracy. TAB is a really hard market to crack - do let me know your secret!

  10. Thanks Sally. Well this was my 3rd attempt at TAB, so perhaps the old adage is true! It was originally rejected by another Womag, I then had it critiqued by Linda Lewis (akaCatherine Howard) and followed ALL of her advice. THen sat on it for a year, until I was reading Fiction Feast earlier this year. And wondered if this was a story that might suit their style. I guess the secret is: never give up trying!
