
Monday 21 May 2012

Flash with a splash

Helen Yendall on her excellent Blogaboutwriting ran a story competition for National Flash-Fiction Day. You had to pen a piece of flash (no more than 250 words) incorporating the key words of: knit, blunder, perform and tingle. Well the indoor writer loves a challenge and was pretty chuffed to reach the shortlist of five. Read all five stories here.

I loved the winning story by Laura Huntley - one to make you smile knowingly.  The indoor writer likes to swim several times a week and I think her story Breaking the Rules is a homage to all the ladies in the slow lane. We probably have all seen the breast stroke queens of the pool sedately counting their lengths. And don't you just hate it when some bloke comes thrashing past at high speed trying to do the butterfly or, even worse, the backstroke...


  1. I don't know if I'm prejudiced because I too love to swim and I hate it when all the unspoken rules are broken, but your tale was my favourite. I wasn't expecting the ending and all the clues you dropped just seemed like the things one thinks. Incidentally, thought the words in the winning story rather contrived. Who ever says I've made a blunder? And certainly not when knitting!!

  2. Aw thanks! I swim twice a week so you can tell this came from experience can't you... I did love the naughtiness of the winning story though, so often missing these days & good to read stories that just make you smile rather than wince :)

  3. I liked your story too, Tracy. I like swimming too - but only in regimented lanes, not a free for all. Also I find swimming often frees the imagination & it's a good time to think (as long people don't keep getting in your way!)

  4. Thanks Sally! Swimming is one of those great right brain activities - I often go for a morning swim before tackling a story and sometimes manage to work out the plotline while I'm cruising the lanes.

  5. Tracy, Sally, I love swimming too BUT I can never think about writing when I'm swimming! Think my brain is too preoccupied, counting lengths! (how sad is that). Someone should invent something that counts them for you!

  6. Hmm wonder if there is a waterproof garmin out - I think you must be quite a fast swimmer too Helen :)
