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Welcome to The Literary Pig's blog - a safe haven for all those afflicted with
the unbearable urge to write.

Monday, 19 December 2022

The Importance of Writing Goals

On the first Wednesday of every month I meet up with my best writing chum Wendy Clarke. We walk, drink coffee, eat cake and set our writing goals for the following month. Most importantly we WRITE these goals into our notebooks — this means we can always accurately check progress against what was set, but I’m convinced that the act or writing out the goal somehow makes them real and more likely to be achieved. 

In January we also set goals for the entire year, and again review those defined for the year concluded. Sometimes I write or stick them onto my office whiteboard. Every time I walk to my desk and laptop I snatch a glance at the whiteboard and am constantly reminded of what I’m trying to achieve … 

My writing goals for 2022 were as follows:

1. Write something new every month.

2. Submit something every month.

3. Do my best to find a home for collection.

When I meet Wendy in January for our annual review I’ll be able to report:

1. Partially achieved. 8 (or 9 if I get inspiration in December) new pieces written out of 12. 

2. Achieved! Out of the new pieces written 4 published, 1 winning a competition, 1 runner-up & 2 listings to date (others still subbed).

3. Achieved! Probably the toughest to pull off but the goal was to ‘do my best’ and that’s all you can do when working to find a publisher for your work.

As you can see from the photo (see below) the final goal was stuck on my whiteboard for added potency!

In October I received an email from Isabelle Kenyon of Fly On The Wall Press asking for a video call to talk about the short story collection I’d submitted during their open window in August … and now I’m delighted to share that The Naming of Moths will be published on the 10th November 2023. You’ll be hearing more from me on here and social media about the launch but you can pre-order your copy now here from Fly On The Wall Press. This indie publisher 'with a conscience' embraces sustainability and I am proud to be part of the author team for 2023. 

Isabelle has seen right inside my head and designed the most perfect cover. Here’s a sneaky peak … I love it, but what do you think?

If you want to make progress with your writing then consider setting yourself some goals, both monthly and 2023, and WRITE them down. Because ticking them off is the best feeling, and always something to celebrate. 

This is probably my final post for 2022 so from me and LitPig: MERRY CHRISTMAS and BEST WISHES for a creative 2023! 


  1. Congratulations on both the publication and setting those goals - something I'm very lax on!

  2. Yes, ma'am, goals are very important,
    for without'm, dear, you'd stay on the
    horizontal roadkill. How'd eye mean?
    7thHeaven awaits, me wee lassy:
    ☆ en.gravatar.com/MatteBlk ☆
    God bless you!!!

  3. Life's goal? Easy for eye.
    Enter 7thHeaven and take
    as many indelible souls with
    who donta yetta know d'troof.
    I'm speaking in an odd manner
    cuzz my cuzznz live on Long I.
    WassamataU, wiseguy?? (that's
    the lingo/Noo Joisey, kapiche?)
    So find-out summorr oddNcrazzy
    verbalicious, miss gorgeous:
    ● NOPEcantELOPE.blogspot.com ●
    Cya soon, adorable...
